“Thank you for the splendid work. We appreciate the fact that you listened to our wishes and worked in our taste of color style and textures. You get an A+! It was awesome how often and willing you were to come to our house to go over the many choices that had to be made. I am especially happy with the quality of the items that you chose for us... your communication was impeccable and you coached us wonderfully in each step of the way, there were no surprises. It was a pleasure working with you and we will recommend you to everyone we know.””
“Thank you for everything you did to make our house a home. Every morning we enjoy waking up in our new home.””
“We called you about a week after the fire and from that moment on you have never been anything but helpful and sincere in your work to help us get back into our home.””
“...also thank you for time and effort that turned our empty lot back into a home [after the fires].””
“Colleen, I just want you to know that your guidance, support, humor and excellent taste have proved to be ALL THE RIGHT STUFF! Thank you for everything.””